Hospitals, TeaPots and All That Fun Jazz.

Two-bit's my bestie forever and always. I love him to death. When I called to tell someone I was in the hospital I called him, and he came with a 'get well' helium balloon. We have fun trying to toss it back and forth :D. I only wanted Two-bit there at first, because, well. I look like shit. Kitty was a little resentful at letting me spend time with my Tibby but I got him >:] hehe.
Anywho. Me and Mr. Mathews harrassed the hospital staff when I had the energy to do so. If not, he did :D. It was quiet histerical. When he fell asleep on the little cusioned chair, he was all cute and curled up looking. People look younger then they are sleeping, and its funny as hell when a tough greaser is all curled up mummbling the "I'm a little tea" song over and over. He started doing the actions but fell off the chair xD. He was like "WHOA! what happened?!" and I was like "Mickey Mouse came to visit you but you where sleeping so he went back to Disney." and Two-bit cried "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" and proceeded to run out of the room. I heard him screaming for Mickey for about a half hour. hehe. Two-bit you make me pee my pants with happy laughter. I'm sorry you weren't in my last post D:.
Kitty, your a lucky little cupcake. You managed to get a hold on this great guy who I'm proud to call my BESSSSST FRIIIEND!!!!. Don't let him go. He's fuckin' epic man. Tibby, Car loves you :D. You make me smile when I'm in pain, or when I'm upset. You always know when to crack the right joke. And your the best shoplifter I know :D. Even if you're slightly insain, thats ok, everyone else is to. But I love you and you know it :D.

So heres what happened. I was being all stupid and cocky. I've had it with these dumbass socs that think they can just walk all over us. I'm done with them hurting my friends. I'm tired of the jump stories. I'm fustrated with seeing innocent kids be scared to walk alone. FUCK. So I took my heater and switch, and marched my ass right into the socs territory. It was dusk by the time I got there. No one was really around. I walked until I saw 5 dark shadows headed toward me.

I don't remember much of the shit that happened. I remember being in a lot of pain. The crack of the gun as it went off, I just don't remember who it hit. I recived a few stab wounds, one might be a bullet but I'm all patched up now and too lazy to ask. I've got a sprained wrist and a few broken fingers, and something about my leg is really soar. Sigh. Theres also bandages on my head. Tibby made fun of them D:.

But yea, it was 5 on 1. Not fair, but I knew I could take them. One was kinda little (although compaired to my 5'2 1/2 height, he was big.)They were also kinda high, or stoned, or whatever. The point is that their brain wasn't working correctly. It all happened pretty fast. My adrenaline was pumping. Just like a rumble, just with less people. They had blades on them to. I remember that the start of the fight was mostly talk. Then one shoved me and I went off the edge. I screamed at them and started attacking them. I don't remember leaving the spot. Actualy, the last thing I remember is laying on the ground, with a heavy weight on my chest. Sigh. I
'm never going to be able to show my face again. I've lost a fight. I think thats one of the first I've lost. FUCK. And it was to get back at them to! uhg!

When I woke up, my vision was blurry. I was like "hey man, this has so happened before!" I waited for a moment, letting my eyes adjust and looked around. I must say, I was honestly dissappointed to only see a nurse. My heart acctually sank. Seth. Yea, that was the first thing to think of. I kicked myself mentaly in the ass for not thinking of Travis.
Anyhow. Nurse was all "my name is Amy blah blah blah". I wasn't really listening. She kept asking for my name and I didn't want to talk to her, because 1) isn't there some terrible nurse named Amy? and 2) I was too depressed about my previous Seth thought. After about 5 minutes I finally screamed at her to let me have a phone. My voice kinda hurt to project like that, I musta been hit in the throat. She quickly got me a phone and this is where I called my Tibby. He was with Kit but he came to see me for a few hours. I love you Tibby :D.

And you already know how it went thanks to the top of my post. I hurt so I'm gonna rest after I yell at the nurse to leave me alone and let me out. ta ta.
BUT! before I sign off. Kit, you and your mom always said shit happens for a reason. I'd just like to know, from anyone, why the hell am I in a hospital?



Anonymous said...

Car, my head hurts too much to really think right now, so I can't answer your question. But I am SUPER pissed at those f***ing socs, and I can't wait for the rumble. And start healing and feeling better, or I will beat the s*it out of Amy for not helping. :)

Kitty Curtis said...

Do I have to explain myself everytime something happens why things happen for a reason? Geez.

I guess if you wouldn't have ended on the hospital then I wouldn't have laughed at you and you wouldn't have gotten to spend time with your best friend. -.- lol.

Two-Bit said...

I'm glad your okay best friend~! & i love you too :D

Dawn Cade said...

Car. U are oh so super tasty. Ur the tastiest. Completley edible and packed with sugary goodness :). Just thought I should throw that out thier..

J.A said...

hey yall carson i felt that blog was too long i always read ur blogs but not this one but hey check out my blog cuz i want yall to see my pet bunny i need spme suggestions on what to name him
two-bit he is a boy.

Jenna said...

dude i was trying to get to chritys blog, but it kept sending me here. so i took it as a sign that i had to comment.

thats all your getting.

Dawn Cade said...

Hey! You! Post u little scally wagger D:<

Kitty Curtis said...


Brookie Cade said...

ur wierd blair! nice blog...oh one more thing POST!

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