Evie, Blair and I are still living together with Shr!mp. And since Evie is still fat and Blair is working on the nursery, I've been running with Shr!mp whever I can. He's HUUUGE now. I swear he weighs more then me. But he's such a loveable gental thing that he is very good and doesn't rip my arm off when he sees another dog. He'll be good with the babies.
Speaking of babies. Bri's knocked up to. And getting married to Darry. But I don't think Darry should go through with it anymore. He's always been loyal and loved Bri, and she goes and fucks Dallas. I love my cousin and all, but she doesn't deserve Darry after this. Just like how I don't think Dallas deserves Blair.
Every night when I get home from a shift at the Dingo, I make sure Evie and Blair have fed themselves, ask about Blaze, call Travis, talk to him for a few hours, and then have a glass of red wine. I don't know why, because I hate wine, but I've been drinking a lot of it. After one glass it helps me sleep. Then I wake up, take Shr!mp out, come home and shower, go to work and do it all over again.
I don't really know what else to say. Nothing else has really been happening. I'm down to 2 smokes a day, its fucking horrible. I have one smoke break durring work, and have another when my shift is done. i've been getting irritated at customers easier, and have yelled at Timothy Shepard more then once. O well. Also, I really like Travis, it just hurts that he's far away. And! I dyed my hair. I thought it was time for a good change, since things around are changing a lot. I thought, what the hell. Now guess whos a wannabe ginger?

uww! carson is a wanabe ginger thats who! :D but it fits u yo :D. lookin extra snazzy car car XD. im feelin the doo :D.
Why thank you Dawn :D I dig my hair to :]
Lookin good Car!
U LOOK GREAT CAR! and im really proud of you......for all that you have done l8ly.....so thank u a lot i know blair appreciates it too
I love your hair Car :)
ahem....i tried to say this before but you stupid blog didnt post. so CHICK FLICK MOMENT!
thanks car, for everything. your like the glew holding my life togeather at the moment. you and evie are my rocks, i dont know what id do without you xox
haha thanks guys :]
and why are the Mathews' chicks being all sappy? haha :]
i like ur hair carson! now you can be marry jane!:P but im glad that ur helpin blair and im glad ur doin good at the dingo
nice blair.
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