My God, Are You Insane?

So it's Mothers Day. Why is this significant to a kid with no mom like myself? Well I don't really know. Every mothers day I would think about going and finding her, or trying to figure out where the hell she was or if she was dead. When I was smaller, I'd make her cards in class and hope she came around to get it. I was a naive little kid. I know now, after what happened in Maine with Seth and talking to my dad, that she isn't ever comming back.

I've desided to spend this day down in L.A. with Travis and his family. Since the Curtis's mom and Mathew's mom aren't around for me to say happy mothers day to. So I flew out this morning, made sure the my work knew I wouldn't be around the next few days, and had brunch with Travis and his family. I love them, their pretty damn epic. His dad is pretty much the coolest 47 year old dude I ever met to. He's big, not Darry big, chubby big. But he's not like obesse or anything. He's got thick dark hair and a go-tee. He never misses a beat with jokes, and cares about his kids. You can also see the love in his dark eyes when he looks at his wife. It's beautiful man. Beatiful and insanely sappy. Kat, Travis's mom, is beautiful. Her voice is soft, and she's very gental. I love how their family is loaded with cash, yet their close as can be. Unlike the socs that live in Tulsa. Maybe thats why Travis wont move up to be with me. Oh well, we're making it work.

It's Blair's first mothers day. I'm so happy for her. I was talking to her on the phone and she said he came home today. I'm sorry I missed it, but I'm glad I get to see Travis. I haven't smoked a single ciggerette all day either! I'm getting better, but I've been drinking lots of red wine. I don't know how great that is, but whatever. IT helps me sleep at night, and thats what they say isn't it? Whatever helps you sleep at night.

And! I'm off. I'll try to post again soon, I've been slacking lately.



Jamie said...

AWWW thats great about u and trav i wanna see pics carson.
Blair was happy today too.
And about your mom im getting used to mine not being here either

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry about your mom Car. It must be rough. But i'm happy you got to see Travis and his family sounds great. :)

Brookie Cade said...

aw im happy for you and travis carson. and how awsome his family is. im sorry about your mom. im used to not having one around :(

Jenna said...

Car you have to bring Travis and his family down to Tulsa sometime so I can meet them, they sound legit. And honey you know how I feel about your mom, but I can't wait for you to come home and see how big Blaze got!

Kitty Curtis said...

Depends on your definition of insane.

Haha sorry I had to answer the question.

Yay. Carson is happy! Travis is effing awesome.

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