
The ceiling was white. The first thing I saw. White. Everything was silent for a moment. But that moment felt so long. It could've been hours for all I know. As my vision became less burly, I realized there were sounds. Lots of sounds. At first my mind couldn't figure out what it was. But then it became clearer. Beeping. Soft and loud footsteps. Voices. Some close, some far. Some were familiar, but others I had no idea. My head was throbbing pretty bad too. I could hear my heartbeat. The beeping matched it. It took a while for me to figure out what these things where, but I did it.
I was laying down on something soft, yet uncomterble. You guessed it, hospital bed. There was something stuck up my nose; breathing tubes.
After laying there for a while I heard a mumble. I think it said my name. But I couldn't really be sure because, to be honest, I couldn't remember my name at that point. But it sounded familiar. Something inside me ached for the mumble to come back, but all I got was a snort-ish sound, or a snore. I can't remember.
I looked away from the white ceiling. And there was.. a very dull hospital room. Things where making more sence. But I still can't remember what happened. The mumble came back. But this time it was louder and more clear. A voice. A familiar voice. "-----------you-----? can-------?"
That's all I remember the voice saying. Or that's all I got from it. I really don't know. I'm so confused right now. All I remember is those two words, and it was high pitched. Definatly a girl.

Everything after that is blank.

Then I saw the white ceiling again. Things made more sence this time around. Seth was mumbling by my bed, holding my hand. It took a moment, and I had some serious pins and needles, but I finaly managed to hold his hand. He looked at me then. He looked so hopeful. And sleepy. He needed to shave, to. How long has it been?
"hey" I forced myself to say. My voice sounded dry and weak. He smiled. Dispite how crappy he looked right then, it was beautiful. I felt myself smile back. He looked so happy.
The rest of the gang was there to, surpizingly. That bit was confusing. I put aside all questions and just went along with their happiness. My chest really hurts. So I just layed down the whole time. Excepte when I had to hug people. They wouldn't stop with the hugs! I love hugs and all, but seriously guys!
Blair was the one who I wanted hugs from the most though. I know she was pissed about me leaving because we had so many plans of seeing the world, doing all these things together. I feel bad, but when I saw her face to see me awake it felt so good. I knew she was cool with it for that moment. When I held out my arms for a hug, she accepted without hesitation. I whispered "I missed you and love you, you know that right?" and she smiled ever so slightly and said "I'm going to kill you if you scare me like that again, you know that right?" I laughed slightly and nodded. No one heard our little conversation but us.

I had to talk to the doc to. He said I need to stay for another night. But all I really care about right now is not eatting weird hospital food. I can't wait to get out, but I also want to stay. It's nice for once that everyone cared about my well-being. Weird, but nice. Nice weird :)
My fingers are numb and it's acctually taking me a very long time to write this. But I like writing things down, it helps me make more sence of what I'm thinking. Everyone's eatting or sleeping, I guess they had a long trip. Haha it's kinda funny seeing everyone curled up in plastic chairs together, or sitting on the floor stuffing down nasty food (Two-bit.)

Anyway, thanks for being there everyone :) I'm going to take a nap because I'm so tired.
love you all,


Dawn Cade said...

YYYYAAAAYYYYYYYY!!!! even though we havent been aquainted, IM STILL SO HAPPY UR OK!! :D!!!

Brookie Cade said...


Two-Bit Mathews said...

Fianlly , you're back! This is incredible!

Unknown said...


Carson Randle said...

I want a fuckin' donut.
Someone bring me one? :]

Brookie Cade said...

wow you can say sumthin to us and you want a donut so loving lol!!! ur just like twobit!!! i'll bring you sum!!! =D

Carson Randle said...

thank you Brookie :]
but it doesn't really feel like I've been gone at all so..
I love you all? >.<

Darry Curtis said...

wow i thought u never wake up... and only u would ask for a donut at this touching moment

Dawn Cade said...
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Dawn Cade said...

Donuts are great breakfast foods :'}. hell who am i kiddin, thier great breakfast lunch dinner and forth meal foods :D.

Dally Winston said...

Haha I told u guys she'd wake up

Two-Bit Mathews said...

Well she always has loved donuts... >.<

Carson Randle said...

donuts and cupcakes. :]

Dawn Cade said...

uuuu sed it :D.

Brookie Cade said...

wat kind do you want?!?!!?

Carson Randle said...

I can't deside! this is too tough! :(
just get everything :]

Two-Bit Mathews said...

Don't get her everything Brooke, she'll probably die from all that sugar. She wants two choclate ones with the sprinkles.

Jenna said...

no , get her all of them ! we can put her in a sugar coma !

Brookie Cade said...

jesus blair! ill get two chocolate with sprinkles be over in 20!

Jenna said...

what ? car laughed !

Jamie said...

im bringing fried chicken for everyone cuz i like fried chicken it is comfort food!!!!!!!!

Jamie said...

carson u like fried chicken right????

Carson Randle said...

sure Jamie,
and Brook, I want at least one of my donuts to be filled with strawberry jelly with vanellia iceing and sprinkles! :]

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